
Monopolizing the Weed Game

Shalam Israel, We are the original Israelite School of Universal Practical Knowledge, out of 1 West 125th St. Harlem, NYC, since 1969. The HOME OF THE TRUTH! In the Spirit of the Most High, in the name of Christ under Commanding General Yahanna, we have dedicated and hazarded our lives to bringing the 12 Tribes of the nation of Israel back to the Father in spirit and truth. The people of Negro, and Indian descent, scattered throughout North, South, Central America and the West Indian Islands are the Lost 12 Tribes of Israel. Wherever we are; in the ghettos, the barrios, the reservations or shanty towns; on the web, and in our everyday lives we strive to wake up our people.

Webster's Dictionary defines a Monopoly as -
1 : exclusive ownership through legal privilege, command of supply, or concerted action
2 : exclusive possession or control
3 : a commodity controlled by one party
4 : one that has a monopoly

On January 1st, 2014 the selling of weed became legal in the state of Colorado. Setting the tone for State governments across the US, Colorado has effectively monopolized the sale and distribution of Marijuana in the region. 37 dispensaries opened it's doors on the first of the year; with lines wrapping around corners consumers couldn't wait to get a taste of the new government brand.

There's a new top dog in the weed game, who's cornering the market, and monopolizing all the sales. It is your local state government. Since about the 1960's when marijuana became a popular drug of choice among blacks, Latinos, and Native American Indians; low level street hustlers have made a living, growing, shipping, and selling weed on the underground market. It's time to say goodbye to the weed game.

Psalm 62:10 - Trust not in oppression, and become not vain in robbery: if riches increase, set not your heart upon them.

trying to live like the so called white man. The Most High warned us not to trust oppression and to not become nothing chasing money .Selling and using drugs is oppression for the children of Israel. We have been reduced to nothing by becoming drug dealers, gangsters, pimps, and whores. Just because something can make you rich, that doesn't mean you should do it.

For too long, blacks Latinos, and Native Indians have put their trust in the drug game. Many of us have died, gone to jail, and been destroyed because of the quick cash, easy woman, and materialistic things that hustling drugs can afford you. As a whole we've gained nothing in the destruction of our people through the distribution of drugs. After having made drug usage amongst our people the norm in our culture, the white man who started it all in the first place, is now coming to cut out the low level street hustlers to take all the profit for himself.

Over 5 million dollars were made in the first week of the legal weed business in Colorado. For the year the state is expected to rake in around $70 million in tax revenues, while the shop owners are expected to make over $600 million collectively. For all the recent talks about state budget deficits, and federal spending cuts at the state level, weed legalization and distribution could be new cash cow that the American economy has been needing.

Jeremiah 44:23 - Because ye have burned incense, and because ye have sinned against the Lord , and have not obeyed the voice of the Lord , nor walked in his law, nor in his statutes, nor in his testimonies; therefore this evil is happened unto you, as at this day.

The prevalence of weed, crack, meth, pcp, and tobacco that is in the ghetto, barrio, and reservation today is an abomination in the sight of the Most High. We sin against the Most High when we burn incense to other gods. Everyone knows the smell tobacco and weed gives off, while maybe less are familiar with the smell of crack, heroin, pcp, and meth. The history of the herbs associated with these various substances can be traced back to religious origins.

Smoking weed is evil, and Most High commanded Israel to burn incense of Frankincense and Myrrh because of its pleasant smell but not to smoke it. Frankincense and Myrrh come from herbs or tree sap which when burnt creates a smoke which gives off a distinct smell. Other herbs have distinct smells as well. But the white man has made a fortune causing us to sin against the Most High with his tobacco products, and now he's moving onto marijuana.

Isaiah 30:9 - That this is a rebellious people, lying children, children that will not hear the law of the Lord :

Since 1969 the men of the ISUPK have warned our people about the evils of selling and using drugs. But many of our people are rebellious and refuse to hear the law of the Most High.

Now that the white man is cutting out the middle man in the dope game, what are we going to do now? If we had been listening to the men of the Lord, the drug game long ago would have ceased to be relied upon by so many. Unfortunately, this government takeover of weed doesn't mean that hustling will stop in the ghetto. Actually, it is a sign that things could be looking to take a turn for the worse. What happens when there is no more money to be made with weed? Dealers either move on to dealing higher risk drugs like crack or heroin, or move into worse crimes.

 No one can be sure what the future holds, but one thing for sure is that the white man is going to get his money. With the state of Washington following Colorado's footsteps by opening weed shops later this year, it's only a matter of time before every state is legalizing weed. As with tobacco and alcohol there are sure to be endorsement deals, and commercial advertising, coming down the road.

Nothing good has ever come from smoking weed. Now that it exclusively belongs to the White man, things can only get worse. Blacks, Latinos, and Native Indians need to flee all forms of drug addiction, and turn back to the Most High. Through the spirit of the Most High and Christ, the men of the ISUPK will continue to stand on the truth, and fight to keep our people off of drugs. The era of drug dealing for our people has come to it's end.

Every Monday Night, check out the Live Radio Broadcast, with Commanding General Yahanna from 9-11pm, at or listen in live on Skype @ 215-586-4851.

Enroll free in our live online classes, Tuesday through Friday from 7-9pm EST, on the website WWW.THEISUPK.COM or call in on the same Skype number. Don’t forget to pay your tithes and your freewill offerings.

Visit our online school store. Support the truth by purchasing audio CD’s with 1 hour long teachings, DVD’s with Video Footage from Street Speakings, along with official authentic Hebrew Israelite garments and accessories to represent your nationality.

Get down with this truth, get down with this body, let us come together, and build this nation up right for the Most High and Christ. We love you Israel, Shalam!!!

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