Shalam Israel, We are the original Israelite School of Universal Practical Knowledge, out of 1 West 125th St. Harlem, NYC, since 1969. The HOME OF THE TRUTH! In the Spirit of the Most High, in the name of Christ under Commanding General Yahanna, we have dedicated and hazarded our lives to bringing the 12 Tribes of the nation of Israel back to the Father in spirit and truth. The people of Negro, and Indian descent, scattered throughout North, South, Central America and the West Indian Islands are the Lost 12 Tribes of Israel. Wherever we are; in the ghettos, the barrios, the reservations or shanty towns; on the web, and in our everyday lives we strive to wake up our people.
What's really going on with so called Black Culture in America today? Where the hell did all the soldiers go? There once was a time in this country when Black and Latino men were proud of who they were, where they came from, and were willing to put everything on the line to protect and uplift their people. Men who weren't afraid of media criticism, or being scrutinized for their views on social issues that were mainstream at the time. Men the likes of Jim Brown, and Muhammad Ali, world famous athletes, who stood against social injustice and spoke openly about the plights of Blacks and Latinos publicly; it seems were not bred into this current generation.
Ecclesiastes 7:7 - Surely oppression maketh a wise man mad; and a gift destroyeth the heart.
Any man with wisdom, can see that blacks, Latinos, and Native American Indians are and have been oppressed in America. This oppression will make any wise man mad. But a gift, or a bribe is what will stop that man from acting out against this oppression, or speaking about why he's mad.
In 2014, it seems like the only real wise men among the 12 tribe of Israel are the priest and prophets of the ISUPK. Recently a man by the name of Richard Sherman was ushered into the public spotlight following some statements he made after a pro football game. Even though this man graduated from Stanford with a 3.8 GPA, and has never had a criminal record, white reporters and sports writers were quick to call him a thug. Sherman responded to these character attacks, and made the statement that calling a black man a thug today, is the new way to say nigger.
Though he defended himself, and his character well, Sherman was sure not to say anything too controversial or out of line. Being a black man, from the drug riddled, gang banging, violent streets of Compton, California; Richard Sherman can use his status as a All-pro NFL player to speak about someone attacking his character, but nothing gets said about the violence, crime, and evil that engulfs the neighborhood he grew up in? It isn't just Sherman though, because the 0's on the check are the bottom line for minority athletes today, nothing about the real world they come from, and we live in is a topic up for discussion.
Proverbs 3:31 - Envy thou not the oppressor, and choose none of his ways.
Since slavery, Blacks, Latinos, and Native Indians have been jealous of the so called white man. We've wanted his money, his glory, and his woman; so time and again we've tried to live like them, dress like them, party like them, and invited them to be apart of everything we're apart of. This goes against what the Most High commanded us to do.
Nowadays, black athletes and entertainers have publicist, agents, and public relations teams, which is partly why they are more likely to make a fashion statement, than a social one. Trying to fit into, and be accepted by the larger white demographic of fans, advertisers, and marketers, many blacks in the public light have adopted and joined themselves to white culture. While their bank accounts, and contract guarantees have increased; the platform that these athletes have to speak up for the real issues that concern our people goes to waste. Instead, the public platform that black athlete and entertainers stand on today, is being used to promote something far more heinous and sinister.
1 Corinthians 6:9 - Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
It is a sin, and a death penalty offense, for a man to be feminine in any way according to the laws of the Most High in the Bible. Homosexuals, cross-dressers, whores, exhibitionist, swingers, and all manner of sexual deviants will not make it into the Kingdom of Heaven.
The platform black athletes and entertainers stand on today is pushing accepting homosexuality, the emasculation of men, and male femininity. While rappers praise openly homosexual clothing designers like Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Tom Ford, and Micheal Kors; athletes like Dwayne Wade are hailed as being fashion forward for wearing their clothes. Now if the man making the clothes is an open homosexual, what do you think his clothes for men will make you look like?
Deuteronomy 22:5 The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God.
It is an abomination for a man to wear feminine clothes and for a woman to wear masculine manly looking attire.
Now, if the designer garbs that black athletes and entertainers dawned last year made you shake your head, what you see this year might make you smack your mother. A couple weeks ago, a fashion show in London rolled out this year's major designers plans for the 2014 spring, summer, and fall; and things are about to get very sickening.
Skirts, one shoulder blouses, 3/4 shirts that expose the lower stomach, neck strap dress tops with the back exposed, and 3" clog shoes are about to be considered men's wear. Not to mention the skin tight shirts, kilt suit bottoms, and Roman toga style dress suits; following the white man is going to have these professional business type Negroes dressing like Kerry Washington in Scandal. This is what happens when we allow ourselves to get sucked into the white man's culture.
Ecclesiastes 7:5 - It is better to hear the rebuke of the wise, than for a man to hear the song of fools.
For some of us, the truth of what is being pushed on us socially, and the reality of what is happening to us culturally is too much to bear. Many refuse to hear the correction the the Most High gives through the men who follow after Christ in the ISUPK. Instead they rather listen to sweet songs and smooth words which keep them entangled in deception.
During the Grammy's last week, the producers arranged for a wedding which featured 34 couples, mostly gay, some straight, old, young and of different races to tie the knot while Rap Artist of the Year award winner Macklemore and Ryan Lewis performed their homosexual themed ballad titled "Same Love". Now hold up, a white duo, took home the Grammy for best rap song, AND best rap album, then preformed their hit song while Queen Latifah officiated a wedding in which homosexuals were married on national television?
But we're crazy when we say the white man is the devil, he's trying to destroy the black, Latino, and Native Indian man, and turn us away from the Most High?? Damn that. We better open our eyes and see what the hell is going on. If we don't turn to the truth of the Most High and Christ, then the white man will succeed in destroying us further than he did with physical slavery, drugs, and abortion. The final stage is making it so that there are no more men to raise up soldiers, to protect our woman and make more children.
America is becoming Sodom and Gomorrah more and more everyday. A land full of lude, vile, sexual deviants. The Most High destroyed that place with fire and brimstone raining down from out the sky. This is the fate which awaits this place. Don't die with the so called white man because your refused to take heed to the warning of the prophets. Shalam.
Every Monday Night, check out the Live Radio Broadcast, with Commanding General Yahanna from 9-11pm, at or listen in live on Skype @ 215-586-4851.
Enroll free in our live online classes, Tuesday through Friday from 7-9pm EST, on the website WWW.THEISUPK.COM or call in on the same Skype number. Don’t forget to pay your tithes and your freewill offerings.
Visit our online school store. Support the truth by purchasing audio CD’s with 1 hour long teachings, DVD’s with Video Footage from Street Speakings, along with official authentic Hebrew Israelite garments and accessories to represent your nationality.
Get down with this truth, get down with this body, let us come together, and build this nation up right for the Most High and Christ. We love you Israel, Shalam!!!
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